.:!:. குறிஞ்சி மலர் - Kurinji Malar .:!:.

"கற்போம் கற்பிப்போம்.. கல்வியின் சிறப்பு கரும்பின் இனிப்பு" - சான்றோர்

ICC Cricket World Cup.. ( Very Funny Pics)

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 - Funny Pictures

JUST FOR FUN - Not to mean to Hurt Anyone..

Rud-khan castle (also Rood-khan castle), is a brick and stone medieval castle in Iran. Located 25 km southwest of Foman city north of Iran in Gilan province, it is a military complex which had been constructed during the Seljuk Dynasty by the followers of Ismā'īlī sect. The Castle is built on two tips of a mount, with an area of 50,000 square metres. Its architects have benefited from natural mountainous features in the construction of the fort.

A river known as 'Rudkhan Castle River' also exists near the castle, which originates from the surrounding heights and flows from south to north. After crossing a mountainous winding route with dense forests, the first thing that one notices about the castle is its big entrance gate. Rudkhan Castle sits at the two peaks of a mountain at elevations of 715 and 670 meters and contains strong fortifications and battlements at a length of 1,550 meters. The castle's 42 towers still stand intact.

Politics Damash..... Funny.. :)

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