India's cricketing icon Sachin Tendulkar was tonight named Cricketer of the Year at the prestigious LG ICC Awards, held at a glittering ceremony in Bengaluru. Tendulkar was also named as the first recipient of the inaugural LG People’s Choice Award and was named in both the Test and ODI Teams of the Year. (Yahoo! Cricket Photo/Azhar)
Sachin Tendulkar was joined on the winners’ list by team-mate Virender Sehwag, who took the Test Player of the Year award. During the 12-month voting period, Sehwag put in some remarkable performances with the bat, making 1,282 runs with an impressive average of 85.46 in the 10 Test matches he played. He scored six centuries and four half-centuries during the period.
(Yahoo! Cricket Photo/Azhar)
India's captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, has been named as captain of the
ICC's Test Team of the Year. (Yahoo! Cricket Photo/Azhar)
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